(August 2)
This is the celebration of the first fruits of the harvest. The Sun King, now Dark Lord, gives his energy to the crops to ensure life while the Mother prepares to give way to her aspect as the Crone. Now is the time to teach what you have learned, to share the fruits of your achievements with the world. Wheat weaving, such as the making of corn dollies, is traditional. Bread is baked and the altar is decorated with fruits and vegetables of the harvest.
Other Names: Lammas, Lughnasa, Festival of Green Corn, First Harvest, Ceresalia, August Eve, Elembiuos, Feast of Cardenas
Meaning: Honoring the Parent Deities, Honoring the Sun Gods, Celebrating First Harvest
Lore: It is appropriate to plant the seeds from the fruit consumed in ritual. If they sprout, grow the plant with love and as a symbol of your connection with the God and Goddess. Wheat weaving (the making of corn dollies, etc.) is an appropriate activity for Lughnasadh. Visits to fields, orchards, lakes, and wells are also traditional.
Deities: Sun Gods, Mother Goddesses
Activities: Baking Bread, Gathering First Fruits, Astrology
Taboos: Not Sharing Food
Colors: Red, Gold, Yellow, Green, Orange, Citrine
Symbols: Corn, All Grains, Bread, Full Moon, Wheat
Animals: Roosters, Calves
Stones: Yellow Diamond, Peridot, Citrine
Plants: Corn, Rice, Wheat, Ginseng, Rye
Food: The foods of Lughnasadh include bread, blackberries and all berries, crabapples, all grains, and locally ripe produce. A cake is sometimes baked, and cider is used in place of wine.
Ritual Oils: Eucalyptus, Corn, Safflower
Attunement Teas: (Individually or Blended) Alfalfa, Corn Silk, Golden Seal
Goddesses: All Grain Deities, All Mother Goddesses, and All Livestock Goddesses, such as Aine (Irish), Ceres (Roman), Demeter (Greek), Frey (Norse), Ishtar (Babylonian), Libera (Roman), Persephone (Greek), Tuaret (Egyptian)
Gods: All Father Gods, All Grain Deities, and All Livestock Gods, such as Bes (Egyptian), Bran (Welsh), Liber (Roman), Lugh (Irish), Neper (Egyptian), Odin (Norse)
SOURCES: Some info was taken from an unknown source; however, most info was found atThe Wiccan Garden, as taken from The Sabbats: A New Approach to Living the Old Ways by Edain McCoy and Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner by Scott Cunningham.