Solitary Yule Ritual
Statement of Intent:
Since the beginning of time, witches have gathered in this season
To celebrate the rebirth of the Sun.
On the Winter Solstice -- the darkest of nights
The Goddess becomes the Great Mother
And once again gives birth to the Sun,
Beginning the yearly cycle anew,
Bringing new light and hope to all the World.
On the longest night of winter
Flares the spark of hope,
The Sacred Fire,
The Light of the World.
I am present here to welcome the new light.
As I join the Goddess in greeting the new Sun,
I also welcome the new light within myself.
Calling the Quarters:
Hail guardians of the east,
Spirits of Air, powers of Thought.
I call you to lend your essence
To this rite and protect me from
All negativity from the east.
Hail guardians of the south,
Spirits of Fire, powers of Will.
I call you to lend your essence to this rite
And protect me from
All negativity from the south.
Hail guardians of the west,
Spirits of Water, powers of Emotion.
I call you to lend your essence to this rite
And protect me from
All negativity from the west.
Hail guardians of the north,
Spirits of Earth, powers of Stability.
I call you to lend your essence to this rite
And protect me from
All negativity from the north.
Casting the Circle:
I conjure ye, O Circle of Light,
To be a temple between the worlds,
In the name of the Silver Lady and the Golden Lord.
Wherefore do I bless and consecrate thee, So Mote It Be.
Lady, you who are the beauty of the snowy earth,
And the white moon among the stars,
The mystery of the waters,
The desire in the heart of humanity.
I invite to you to come to this place and attend this rite,
For you are the soul of nature that gives life to the
Lord, you who are the freedom of the wild things,
The bright sun that lights the day,
The mystery of the forest,
The resolve in the heart of humanity.
I invite you to come here to this place and attend this rite,
For you are the body of nature who gives life to the
The old solar year has run its course and completed its cycle.
So too have some of my habits or traits completed their
Cycles and outlived their usefulness.
This is a time for shedding that which is no longer needed.
(Take a few moments now to consider which things you would leave behind as you go into the coming year.)
(pause to meditate)
As the old year dies away,
So too will these old ways will fade into memory.
In the beginning, we came from the darkness of the womb.
There we were created, nourished,
And prepared for our birth into the light.
Within us, we still carry that fertile darkness.
There we hold the seeds of hopes and dreams to come.
There we nourish are hopes for love, joy and peace for all.
We shield these tender roots
Until they are strong enough
To come forth and flourish in the light.
(Spend a little time now tending these creations to come. Name them, nurture them, for they will grow with you
and bloom in the coming year.)
(pause to reflect)
As the sun strengthens above, so will my new ways grow.
I light this candle for the infant Solstice Sun,
One small flame to pierce the darkness,
A ray of hope,
A symbol of the Light within me,
Light that can never be extinguished,
Light that will grow in glory,
Waxing strong, despite the cold to come,
Light that dispels despair and resignation,
Giving us a glimpse of golden days ahead.
Behold the light that can never die,
Reborn anew in the Solstice Sky!
Before the Chant:
While chanting, think of those who you would send positive energy to: Loved ones perhaps, those in need of healing or added strength. Perhaps people whose names you do not know, who are living with war or hunger. You may wish to focus on that which important to you, your values. Perhaps the earth itself, or the animals who share it with us. Whatever it is you wish to send your healing energy to. As we chant, we will build our energy with the turning of the wheel. As you chant, feel the energy of change resonate within you. When you stop the chant, visualize the positive energy bursting forth, like the sun coming out from behind a thick cloud, and imagine strong rays streaking out, empowering your wishes, and carrying your
healing thoughts to their targets.
The Chant:
Hoof and horn, hoof and horn,
All that dies will be reborn.
Corn and grain, corn and grain,
All that falls will rise again.
Blessing of Cakes and Wine:
This food and wine is the blessing
Of the Goddess and God to our bodies.
I will partake in it freely.
And remember to share
What I have with those who have nothing.
Thank you, Goddess of the Moon,
For attending these rites in your honor,
And for sharing with me your gifts of compassion and wit.
Hail and farewell.
Thank you, God of the Sun,
For attending these rites in your honor,
And for sharing with me your gifts of freedom and rejuvenation.
Hail and farewell.
Guardians of the north,
I thank you for your presence here,
And for your gift of stability.
Hail and farewell.
Guardians of the west,
I thank you for your presence here,
And for your gift of empathy.
Hail and farewell.
Guardians of the south,
I thank you for your presence here,
And for your gift of purity.
Hail and farewell.
Guardians of the east,
I thank you for your presence here,
And for your gift of clarity.
Hail and farewell.
The circle is open, yet never broken.
Merry meet, and merry part,
And merry meet again.
SOURCE: Joelle's Sacred Grove