![]() Ace of Wands |
Element: Fire Zodiac: Cancer/Leo/Virgo Season: Spring Yes/No: Yes Meaning: Act now. Take a chance and just go for it. Upright: courage, desire, positivity, inspiration, creativity/creative spark, new initiative, passion/new passion, enthusiasm, energy, creation, willpower, bravely finding your own voice and developing your own vision, breakthrough moment in life, new project or creative endeavor, just go for it/take a chance, follow your instincts, start building momentum, motivated and inspired about an idea or passion project, new start/beginnings, illumination, virility, spiritual insights, vital life force, impetus, passionate union, flirtation, romance, attraction, excitement and passion in love, rekindling the flames of romance, excitement of potential romance, inspired at work or passion for work, creative projects at work, time of high growth in career, financial relief, end to financial struggles, inspiration in making money Reversed: missed opportunity, miscommunication, delays, blocks/creative blocks, lack of passion, lack of energy, hesitancy, boredom, trials and tribulations in the near future, lack of direction, lacking inspiration or motivation, lack of excitement surrounding a goal, lack of new ideas, lack of enthusiasm in projects or delays with current projects, depression, misunderstanding, false starts, impotence, loss of passion, lost opportunities, broken will, plans falling through, short-term passionate love affair, lack of excitement in love, lacking inspiration or creativity at work, lack of progress at work, risky financial decisions, financial losses |
![]() Two of Wands |
Element: Fire Zodiac: Mars in Aries Season: Spring Yes/No: Yes Upright: plans, travel, new ideas, first steps, making decisions, leaving home, leaving comfort/taking risks, moving forward/progression, discovery, exploring new worlds and experiences, having long-term goals in mind, realizing your objectives, planning/strategizing, being in control/dominating, dynamism, centeredness, courage of your conviction, seeing the big picture, focusing on your intent, wanting more/not satisfied with your lot, setting romantic goals, making plans in love, partners planning future together, planning your career, taking first steps in your career, envisioning dreams for your career, financial stability, planning long-term financial future, laying financial foundations Reversed: indifference, listlessness, inner conflict, bad planning, overanalyzing, not taking action, fear of change, playing it safe/avoiding risk, the need to set up long-term goals, lack of proper planning, overconfidence, lack of patience, disarray in your forward path, being unrealistic, feeling stifled, procrastinating, self-doubt, loss of control/being dominated, scattered energy, abuse of power, claustrophobia, greed, envy, feeling powerless, disrupted plans, interruptions, caught off-guard/unprepared, failed romantic plans, lack of long-term romantic prospects or ideas of future, hesitancy regarding romantic interests, unexpected obstacles in career, overanalyzing or not taking action on career plans, lack of control regarding finances, failed financial planning, plans for financial future not panning out, tumultuous time economically |
![]() Three of Wands |
Element: Fire Zodiac: Sun in Aries Season: Spring Yes/No: Yes Meaning: Opportunities await; get out there and grab them. Good things come to those who act. Upright: offspring, happiness, gratitude, momentum, confidence, expansion, growth, foresight, vision, looking ahead, planning for the future with convinction, putting plans into action, creating a stable foundation for yourself, future plans going smoothly, opportunities opening up (including ones that widen your horizons and/or take you out of your comfort zone), keeping your mind open to opportunities, being in control/having a strong position, travel/searching for what you are seeking, expansion, travel over water, preparation/planning, ideas crystallizing, integrity, confirmation you're on the right path, control with harmony, making long-term plans/investing in your future, working with others/creative collaborations, creation, rapid growth, next stage in relationship, romantic momentum, creating lasting romantic foundations, travel with your partner, traveling to find love if you're single, new horizons/opportunities in career, expanding your career options, expanding views on finances, expanding financial goals Reversed: obstacles, delays, frustration, restriction, limitations, lack of progress, disorganization, loss of direction, lack of ambition, questioning your motives, difficulties in business, being distracted from your goal, needing to start on long-term goals or plans for the future, planning for future changes, keeping a lookout for better options, thinking too small/playing it safe, frustrations or obstacles in love, learning to compromise in love, disarray at work, obstacles in career path, lack of growth/challenge in career, feeling caged at work, delays in achieving financial goals |
![]() Four of Wands |
Element: Fire Zodiac: Venus in Aries Season: Spring Yes/No: Yes Upright: peace, happiness, harmony, community, home, celebrations, reunions, parties/gatherings, stability, belonging, harmonious and relaxed home environment, reliable foundations, gathering with family and friends even if it's not a special occasion, reaching a particularly important milestone on a project, initial success, first stage of completion, continuation of a project, wholeness, continue moving house/setting up a new home, large celebrations/family gatherings, stable/happy home, weddings/engagements/gatherings and other public celebrations of love, office parties, feeling supported by colleagues, bonding with colleagues, financial stability and comfort, financially supporting loved ones Reversed: delays, debauchery, transience, lack of support, instability, feeling unwelcome, lack of roots, home conflict, lack of family harmony, tension, change, transition, disruptions/delays to completion, obstacles causing delays, problems at home, mishaps/small accidents, disharmony, conflict with someone close, wavering sense of security, breakdown in communication with loved ones, conflict between your partner and family/friends, fear of public commitment, workplace conflicts between colleagues, tension at work, unstable finances, financially burdened with supporting loved ones |
![]() Five of Wands |
Element: Fire Zodiac: Saturn in Leo Season: Spring Yes/No: No Upright: strength, competition, conflict, arguments, aggression, tension, rivals/rivalry, clashes of ego, problem in communication (i.e. one person not listening to another and vice versa), needing to let go of jealousy and/or malice towards rivals, personal struggle, unrest, unease, disagreements, internal battle, disruption, defending yourself or others, challenges or being challenged, competitive sports, brainstorming/group discussions, problem solving, friskiness/sexual arousal, playful banter between partners, competition between suitors, conflict between lovers, action required in your love life, competition between colleagues, competitive work environment, conflict at work, financial instability, conflicts about money Reversed: bitter competition, sick ambition, untrustworthiness, end of conflict, cooperation, agreements, truces, harmony, peace, avoiding conflict, respecting differences, lack of issues due to working through your troubles, passiveness, aggressiveness, being scattered, continuation of strife, violence/physical harm, abuse, calling a truce, challenge rescinded, delays in troubles, sporting defeat, internal conflict/deliberating with a decision, avoiding conflict or trying to keep peace in a relationship, resolution to relationship conflict, avoiding work conflict, competition or conflict at workplace is resolved, peace after financial stress, escalation in conflicts about money |
![]() Six of Wands |
Element: Fire Zodiac: Jupiter in Leo Season: Spring Yes/No: Yes Upright: victory, succcess, good news, triumph, rewards, recognition, praise, acclaim, pride, public reward/recognition, harnessing your strengths and talents to achieve a successful outcome, self-importance, egotism/arrogance, progress, confidence, goal reached, breakthrough, adrenaline of winning, feeling exalted, culmination of effort, feeling inspired to continue, loving the limelight, success after strife, difficulties overcome, success at love, fulfilling a relationship goal, career achievement, work project completion, being rewarded at work, financial stability, financial rewards Reversed: delay, punishment, excess pride, failure, lack of recognition, no rewards, lack of achievement, doubting your abilities/potential, feeling like a failure or a disappointment to others, lack of confidence/drive, needing overall support/recognition to pick you up, doubt, feeling destroyed or crushed, feeling ignored, self-doubts, questioning what you're doing, delayed success, fall from grace or favor, feeling/being ostracized, being outmanuevered, feeling unloved or neglected, being overlooked in your love life, failed work project, unrewarded work, unmet career goal, financial loss, failed investment or bad purchase |
![]() Seven of Wands |
Element: Fire Zodiac: Mars in Leo Season: Spring Yes/No: No Meaning: Don't give up. Keep on fighting the good fight. Upright: victory, hope, defense, protectiveness, competition/rivalry, challenge, struggle, courage, standing up for yoursef/defending yourself, calculated risk, daring, perseverance, no easy task, standing your ground, protecting territory, fighting an unknown adversary, obstacles to be overcome/pushing through obstacles, challenges from many sources, attempted coup, struggling to maintain your position, defending your title, proving yourself, challenges to success of a project or venture, possible setbacks, fighting for your beliefs, confronting those that may threaten or oppose you, setting boundaries in relationship, fighting for romance/relationship, competition at work, defending your position at work, facing challengers in the workplace, protecting your financial stability, long-term financial success Reversed: giving up/surrendering, competition, threat, admitting defeat, yielding, lack of self-belief, feeling/being overwhelmed, disempowered, insecure, feeling daunted, losing your nerve, suffering losses, losing your footing, having an accident, being overthrown or usurped, feeling exasperated or discouraged, feeling overwhelmed by all the responsibilities and challenges, difficulty seeing the whole picture, feeling inadequate in the face of competition, feeling criticized or judged by others, friends and family questioning your choices/decisions, avoiding conflict/backing down, being too aggressive in defending yourself, defensiveness in relationship, denial in love, a breakup from external pressure, relationship on shaky ground, failure to hold your ground at work, being overcome by competition in the workplace, some loss of savings, overconfidence leading to financial loss |
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Eight of Wands
Correspondences: Element: Fire Zodiac: Mercury in Sagittarius Season: Spring Yes/No: Yes Upright: travel, movement, communication, change, speed, progress, quick decisions, sudden changes, excitement, freedom, action, acting quickly, overcoming obstacles, directness, strong trailblazing energy, important news possibly on the way, sudden positive growth, events moving swiftly, blockages removed, opportunities arrive quickly, manifestation imminent, working quickly and efficiently, apparent synchronicity, new hectic chapter, physical travel such as vacation or moving to a new home, romantic life picking up pace, excitement/surprises in love, quick progress at work, traveling for work, motivation at work/career, impact in the workplace, quick movement of money, cash coming in and going out Reversed: uncertainty, miscommunication, frustration, waiting, slowness, chaos, delays, losing momentum, hastiness, disruption to plans, stalling, moving slowly, being unprepared, descending into chaos, order lost, impatience, delays in important matters, targets missed, resisting change/progress, unable to move on from the past, jealousy in love, misunderstandings or confusion in love, delays in love, hectic pace in love, career stagnation, lost chances at work, overwhelmed by job, slow flow of money, lack of patience for financial growth |
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Nine of Wands
Correspondences: Element: Fire Zodiac: Cancer/Leo/Virgo Season: Spring Yes/No: Yes Upright: Reversed: |
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Ten of Wands
Correspondences: Element: Fire Zodiac: Cancer/Leo/Virgo Season: Spring Yes/No: Yes Upright: Reversed: |
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Page of Wands
Correspondences: Element: Fire Zodiac: Cancer/Leo/Virgo Season: Spring Yes/No: Yes Upright: Reversed: |
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Knight of Wands
Correspondences: Element: Fire Zodiac: Cancer/Leo/Virgo Season: Spring Yes/No: Yes Upright: Reversed: |
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Queen of Wands
Correspondences: Element: Fire Zodiac: Cancer/Leo/Virgo Season: Spring Yes/No: Yes Upright: Reversed: |
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King of Wands
Correspondences: Element: Fire Zodiac: Cancer/Leo/Virgo Season: Spring Yes/No: Yes Upright: Reversed: |