
Greek Goddess of Love, Beauty, Desire, & Fertility

In one version of her origins, she is the daughter of Zeus and the Titaness Dione; however, the most popular version is that she arose from sea foam (aphros) when the Titan Cronus castrated his father Uranus.

Consorts & Children:
Fearing a war would break out amongst the gods for Aphrodite's hand in marriage, Zeus forced her to marry the ugly Hephaestus, craftsman of the gods, though she proceeded to have numerous affairs with gods and mortals alike. Notable among these affairs are Ares, to whom she bore Eros ("love"), Harmonia ("harmony"), and the twins Phobos ("fear") and Deimos ("dread"); Hermes, to whom she bore Hermaphroditos; and the handsome mortal Adonis.

Notable Stories Involving Her:
Aphrodite possesses a girdle which had been fashioned by her husband Hephaestus, and which has the power to make its wearer irresistible to both gods and mortal men. During the Trojan War, Aphrodite lent it to Hera who then used it to distract Zeus so that the other gods could interfere in the war.

Sacred Symbols:
Sacred to her are the dolphin, the dove, the sparrow, the pomegranate, and the myrtle, and she is often accompanied by the three Charites, or Graces, who were the personifications of charm and beauty.

Aphrodite Around the World:
Her Roman equivalent is Venus, though she's also been identified with Astarte, Inanna, Ishtar, and the Norse Freyja.

SOURCES: Greek Mythology.com, Mythweb, Encyclopedia Mythica, & Wikipedia